KYAPS ‘rubbed off my tears’- Tushemereirwe

KYAPS’s bursary scheme is a life-changing initiative that empowers young minds to succeed.

Recently, Kyamuhunga People’s SACCO (KYAPS) one of the leading SACCO in the Country celebrated its 25th Anniversary since inception.

During the celebrations, different beneficiaries gave their testimonies on how KYAPS has since impacted on their lives and on communities.

Western Focus Magazine will run a series of testimonies from the different beneficiaries.  

In this report, Agnes Tushemereirwe narrates how KYAPS found her at home, in the village where she was stranded. She now shares how KYAPS ‘rubbed off tears’ from her face!

As I sit down to write this article, I am filled with gratitude as I reflect on my high school years, I am reminded of the significant impact that Kyamuhunga Peoples Sacco had on my life. Their education support program was a beacon of hope that enabled me to pursue my dreams without the burden of financial stress. I am Tushemereirwe Agnes, and I am honored to share my story and express my heartfelt gratitude to Kyamuhunga Peoples Sacco for their kindness and commitment to empowering young minds like mine.

Growing up in a rural community, I faced numerous challenges in accessing quality education. My parents, though well-intentioned, struggled to make ends meet, and saving for school fees was a luxury we could not afford.

 I remember feeling anxious about my future, wondering if I would be able to complete my education and break the cycle of poverty.  Later, Kyamuhunga Peoples Sacco’s intervention changed everything.

Way back in 2017, after my Ordinary level, I was stranded without any hopes for continuing with my studies, but when I heard about KYAPS bursary scheme in support of their clients who are unable to meet the education needs of their children, I had to quickly apply and was pleased to become a beneficiary of this wonderful program. When KYAPS landed in, everything became a walk over. Had it not been the intervention of KYAPS in my education journey, I wouldn’t have become the very person I am today.

Their education support program was a comprehensive package that covered all my educational expenses, including fees. This meant that I could focus on my studies without worrying about the financial implications. The program also provided mentorship and guidance, which helped me navigate the challenges of high school and develop essential life skills.

The impact of Kyamuhunga Peoples Sacco’s support was profound. I was able to excel academically, develop a passion for learning, and build confidence in my abilities. Their assistance also instilled in me a sense of purpose and determination, motivating me to work hard and pursue my dreams.

One of the most significant benefits of the program was the opportunity to interact with other beneficiaries. We also had access to career guidance and counseling, which helped us make informed decisions about our future.

Today, I am proud to say that I pursued a career in accounting, thanks to Kyamuhunga Peoples Sacco’s support. Their program not only empowered me through education but also inspired me to give back to my community. I hope to make a positive impact in the lives of others, just as Kyamuhunga Peoples Sacco has done for me.

In addition to the benefits, Kyamuhunga Peoples Sacco’s education support program also provides a sense of belonging and connection to the community. As a beneficiary, I felt part of a larger family that cared about my well-being and success.

The program also fosters a culture of gratitude and giving back to the community. I have seen many beneficiaries return to their communities and make a positive impact, inspiring others to do the same.

In conclusion, Kyamuhunga Peoples Sacco’s education support program is a life-changing initiative that empowers young minds to succeed.  I want to express my deepest gratitude to Kyamuhunga Peoples Sacco for their kindness and commitment towards empowering young minds like mine. Their education support program is a testament to their dedication to community development and improving the lives of their members. I encourage anyone facing financial difficulties in pursuing their education to keep their hopes alive since Kyamuhunga Peoples Sacco’s support can be a game-changer, and I am living proof of that.

Long live KYAPS

Tushemereirwe Agnes

Address: Bwombere Kabingo Kyamuhunga Bushenyi

Current occupation: Banking Officer.  Ends

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