The life and times of Rev. Fr. Paolino Tomaino.

The Catholic community and the general public in the districts of Bushenyi, Kanungu, Kiruhura, Kazo, Kabale, Mbarara…… are yet to accept the “absence’’ of Rev. Fr. Paolino Tomaino. Rev.Fr was big and he meant a lot especially in the above communities. It’s indeed going to take time to get someone/a ‘true’ Missionary to fill the gap that that the death of Rev.Fr Tomaino has created. He came, He cared and served especially the poor and his remains now rests at Kyamuhunga Catholic Parish grounds.

Who was Rev. Fr. Paolino Tomaino?

 Tomaino was born on 4/11/1937 to Mr. Santo Tomaino and Mrs. Rosa Tomaino in a family of 5  at St. Peter the Apostle parish Lamezia Diocese in Italy.

As young man in school, a Comboni Missionary priest visited his school to identify young boys who could join Comboni Missionaries. Fr. Paolino made up his mind to join the Comboni Missionaries.

He later took his first vows on 9th September 1958. On 9th September 1963, Fr. Paolino took his perpetual vows, and he was ordained Priest on 28th of June 1964.

Rev.Fr Paolino Tomaino (RIP)

After primary education, Fr. Paolino joined a teachers College with a wish and love of becoming a teacher after the wonderful example from his teacher.

His life’s course was changed when he met a Comboni Missionary who had spent many years in Sudan. The missionary told the young boys that, at their age they had dreams and requested them to their age they had dreams and requested them to always remember that “ while you are studying, somewhere in this world, a human being is born, somewhere in a place of this World. He is waiting for you and needs your help.”

This creature, probably, is very far from your school and your village. Probably lives in a place like the one I have been compelled to stay in, Sudan in Africa. Boys in your dreams, don’t be afraid to dream about that creature, who needs your head and your heart.”

Paolino heard an inner voice very loud telling him,” you boy the missionary is not talking about one class with 40 children, go for the thousands in that part of Africa, the missionary is talking about.”

At the age of 18, Paolino did not look back.  His decision was one and definitive. After the formation period on 28th of June 1964, Tomaino Paolino was ordained Priest in the congregation of the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus.

Later, at 27 years of age, Fr. Paolino was assigned to work in Africa. In January 1965, he arrived in Uganda and was assigned to Mbarara Diocese together with 3 other priests including: Fr. Sean Dempsey, Fr. Joseph Ambrose and Fr. Mario Cisternino.

Very quick to learn and adjust to the environment….! It took Fr. Paolino 9 months to learn Runyankole – Rukiga language with experienced missionaries in Nyakishenyi and Mushanga. At the beginning of October, he went for his first missionary Pastoral experience, in Kigezi, Rushoroza Parish, Kabale.

In April 1968, Fr. Tanel, Bro. Lucio Cariani and Fr. Paolino  Tomaino were assigned to Nyamwegabira, a Center under Makiro Parish to start the new Parish. He later returned to Italy  but after a short stay in Italy in 1970, he turned to Uganda in January 1971.

From January to October he worked in Buhara and then in Rwanyena with Fr. Joseph Ambrose.

In 1973, Bishop Barnabas R. Halem Imana recalled Fr. Paolino to Rushoroza Kabale and put him in charge of the Lay Apostolate office. In 1975, Fr. Paolino organized a pilgrimage and took about 300 people to Rome.

In 1976, Fr. Paolino got reassigned to Makiro Parish until the end of 1980, when Makiro Parish was entrusted with a Diocesan clergy called, Fr. Gaetano Batanyenda. There after, Fr. Paolino went to open the new parish in Kambuga, and he was later joined by Fr. Pasquali and Fr. Franco.

In 1989, Fr. Paolino celebrated his 25th Priesthood Anniversary and this was the last year for Fr. Paolino in Kabale. In 1990, he visited Italy for holiday and when he returned in September 1990 he was assigned to Kyamuhunga where he opened a new Parish.

In 2015, for his golden Jubilee as a priest, Fr. Paolino decided to celebrate it in his home parish in Italy.

In April 2015, when Fr. Paolino returned, he went back Kyamuhunga not for parish work because his health had deteriorated but he could not remain idle. He established another secondary school exclusively for girls.

On 10th October 2015, Fr. Paolino returned to his beloved Bishop Comboni College Kambuga to celebrate 50 years as a priest and the beginning of Pastoral life in Uganda. Africa made Fr. Paolino Tomaino a Man, a Priest and a Missionary.

No other kind of life could have succeeded to give him what his missionary life in Africa has given him.

Caption: Relatives and friends at the burial of Rev.Fr Tomaino.

Throughout his Missionary work/journey, Fr. Paolino always told his children that “somewhere, somehow someone is writing for you.” This was intended to encourage his children as they prepare for future.

Besides being a missionary Priest, Fr. Paolino was a professional teacher. This drove his passion to build many schools in Mbarara diocese. He developed schools in areas that were remote with needy populations and made sure that the poorest people got quality education.

Since he worked in communities with very poor people, Fr. Paolino introduced a system where school fees was paid based on performance and he provided the necessities and  scholastic material to his students. He gave opportunities to poor students to study University education abroad like  Dr. Kamayanji Olivia, who is currently a medical doctor in the USA.

Sometimes he allowed parents to provide food, sugarcane and pineapples that would be equated to school fees.

The students worked with the priest to ensure that they built their schools, e.g. participating in carrying bricks for construction. He benchmarked and outsourced the best teachers. He nurtured and trained his students in skills development such as agriculture and vocational training.

Fr. Paolino was a time manager, Disciplinarian and a parent who stayed awake until his children went to bed: where he ensured lights in dormitories were put off by 10pm and students woke up at 5:00am for early morning preps.


A man who left a legacy wherever he was posted

Fr. Paolino did not desert his people even during the most difficult periods in Uganda when the civil war affected the country and many community members lived in fear. He bravely moved on his motorcycle to comfort and minister the word of God to the communities.

While in Kabale, Fr. Paoline with Fr. Marius Chestanino translated the Roman Version of the Holy Missa to Runyankole- Rikiga language. They built the Kitumba printing press in Kabale. Fr. Paolino was passionate about the Runyankole Rukiga language.

He founded Bishop Comboni College in Kambuga in 1982. He built two large blocks at Karujanga- Rwanyena parish and also served as the parish priest in the parishes of Makiro. Buhara, Kambuga and Nyamwegabira.

In Kyamuhunga, he founded Comboni Hospital, St. Mary’s Vocational School, Kyamuhunga People’s SACCO (KYAPs). And built several churches and Primary schools.

In 1999, he was assigned to Kiruhura –Rushere where the catholic church was not significantly felt. Here, he supported the development of over 70 primary schools and when the children reached P.7, they had nowhere to go and so he started Sedes Sapietiae Academiae – Rushere. 

Together with Fr. Sean Dempery, they started another secondary school in Kazo called St. Peter’s secondary school, Rwebigumya. Since he was so interested in the economic development of the people he served, he moved and mobolised for the establishment of Rushere SACCO and established a Health Centre in Kyeibuza and Lamezia Health in Burunga, Kazo district.

In 2014, Fr. Paolino was assigned back to Kyamuhunga Parish. This time he improved the standards of St.John Baptist Primary School and built more classrooms, In 2018, he embarked on building St. Mark Vocational School, Nyakatooma.

In the same year, he decided to support the Christians of Kakoni who were struggling financially with St. John Vocational School Kakoni.


Fr. Paolino loved taking his students for walks and picnics as he made sure they ate healthy meals. At times, his children would walk from Kambuga to Kanungu District where they played football with St. Jovan S.S.S Makiro.

The cooks would always go with the food in a vehicle while Fr. would walk with his children and instilled high discipline in them. This is seen in the various positions they hold today in different Government offices and other organizations.

Father Paolino encouraged his children to participate in co-curricular activities in which he would personally participate and be present. He promoted games like football, netball and volley ball that were compulsory in the schools. This continued until he was too weak to be part of them. He attended competitions organized by Comboni Alumni (Comboni league)


Fr.Paolino loved and pampered his children, who remained young, even in their old age. To him, his children would always remain young. He got concerned about their well- being e.g on his eightieth birthday, some of the students took beer at the party, then he said, Spero,”sperato noshisha abaana bangye” literally meaning, Sperato you are spoiling my children.

Fr. Paolino always gave his children treats e.g gave them Italian chocolate, pineapples and sugarcane. He entertained them by showing Jesus of Nazareth film with Fr. Pasqual, then Parish Priest.

Fr. Tomaino always mixed freely with the community and encouraged people to work hard for increased household income.


Health service

Father Paolino was always concerned about the health and well- being of his children. He made sure that they had a balanced diet and exercised frequently. Father ensured that the schools had school nurses to treat the sick children. He established Comboni Hospital in Kyamuhunga to provide health services to the poor community.


Father Tomaino always made sure that he got the best employees in his schools. He focused majorly on science education where he looked for the best science teachers. The doting priest became a parent to his staff in a way that labour turnover was never experienced where he was.


Fathet Paolino loved cooking Italian Spaghetti and loved to serve his guest personally and dine with them, which strengthened the bound of friendship.


 Father practiced backyard gardening. He harvested vegetables and tomatoes, some of which he would park for his guests. Father Paolino loved the heritage. He encouraged the preservation of the Ankole cattle and encouraged farming in sweet bananas for food and not alcohol brewing. He equally promoted mechanized agriculture and encouraged rainwater harvesting, especially in Nyabushozi dry belt.


Fr. Paolino loved Uganda as his Country and people of Africa. He obtained Ugandan citizenship with a Uganda passport and national identification card. He was the happiest person when he was the happiest person when he was granted citizenship by the Government of Uganda. He was always proud to have become Ugandan and his wish to be buried in his country, Uganda and indeed when he died from Italy his body was flown back to Uganda and buried at Kyamuhunga catholic Parish grounds.  


Paolino lived a simple and down to earth life! Many wonder whether Fr.Paolino owned more than three trousers! As a result, he did not allow his children to be extravagant. He discouraged parents from allowing children to carry money to school. This groomed the students to be satisfied in any situation in life and ensured equality at school.


Father Paolino was a disciplinarian and could not tolerate any kind of indiscipline. He was passionate about discipline, decency, time management and respect. He never allowed his children to put on mini shirts and dresses with open chests, necklaces, watches, earrings, and rings were never allowed in his schools. 

Quick Facts


  • Arrived in Uganda with Fr. Sean Dempsey, Fr. Joseph Ambrose and Fr. Mario Cisternino
  • Studied a language course at Nyakishenyi with Fr. Stockman

MAY 1965

  • Studied a language course at Mushanga with Fr. FitzPatrick


  • Nyakibale -Apostolate and ordination of Fr. Policarpo.


Rushoroza Kabale with Fr. Dempsey, Fr. Witbroeck, Fr. Lacorsiere and sisters.

LENT 1967

  • Accident on a motorcycle

APRIL 1968

  • Nyamwegabira with Fr. Tanel and Bro. Lucio Cariani


Buhara Parish


Rwanyena with Fr. Wanyena and Fr. Joseph Ambrose


  • Kabale Diocese Lay Apostolate office


  • Preparation and pilgrimage to Rome for Holy year


  • Nyamwegabira- Makiro Parish with Fr. Pasquali Fr. Cisternino, Fr. Zanoli and Fr. Carraro.


  • Kambuga Parish and establishment of Bishop Comboni College
  • End of Missionary activity in Kigezi and New Missionary activity in Ankore.

JANUARY 1990-1999

Kyamuhunga Parish with Fr. Franco and Fr, Gino Tosello


Rushere Parish with Fr. Ambrose

APRIL 2015

  • Kyamuhunga Rwenjojo with Fr. Joseph Kibirige

10th OCTOBER 2015

  • At  Bishop Coboni College Kambuga celebrations for
  • 57th Anniversary of first Religious            Profession
  • 51st Priestly anniversary.

Extracted from Celebrating the Life of Rev.Fr Paolino Tomaino Magazine

Additional reporting by Chris Mugasha- +256 701 086 722 (whatsapp)  

2 thoughts on “The life and times of Rev. Fr. Paolino Tomaino.

  1. Fr Paulino was too selfless. Will be greatly missed. Keep praying for us, will always pray for you too. Rest in Peace Servant of God.

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