How would Bushenyi be had it not been Hassan Bassajjabalaba?

By Chris Mugasha

One of the names that many Bushenyi people are proud of is that of AlHajji Hassan Bassajjabalaba who has single handedly spurred Bushenyi’s development. In fact there is a question that lingers in many Banya-Bushenyi’s heads is that; “where and how would Bushenyi be interms of development had it not been Hassan Bassajjabalaba?”

Hassan Basajjabalaba is treated as a ‘liberator’ for his creation several opportunities for all the categories of people.  There is something that everybody is tapping from Bassajjabalaba’s business acumen directly or indirectly.

His entrepreneurship skills are a game changer to Bushenyi people and the entire country.

His decision in 2004 to establish Kampala International University (KIU) Western Campus and later a Teaching hospital in the region particularly Bushenyi has led people especially those of Bushenyi to believe in him that he has steered the district in issues of development.

Caption; Bushenyi district NRM chairman Hassan Bassajjabalaba being thanked by President Yoweri Museveni at one of the function in Bushenyi district.

The people whose properties especially land had remained idle for a long time are rejoicing as their properties have tripled interms of value  which they credit to Bassajjabalaba’s establishment of the university.

Before the University and hospital were established in Ishaka Town, Bassajjabalaba was popular in the district because of his hides and skins business that sold his name throughout the communities.

Had it not been the extension of the Kampala International University (KIU) Western Campus in Bushenyi district, it would have taken centuries for Bushenyi people to realize their potential.

The two major towns of Bushenyi that is; Bushenyi and Ishaka are developing at a high speed. Buying land especially a plot in these two towns is like buying a plot in major towns like Kampala and Mbarara due to high population that has been created by KIU. Farms and plantations which were the characteristics of the area are no more as they are being replaced with buildings. The villages neighboring the university have now become suburbs.

Business in the area is steadily booming because of the population increase. Prices of agricultural products and house rent have almost tripled.

 Accommodation in the area has become the biggest challenge because of the competition from the population. House rent for just single rooms moved from Sh15,000 to between Sh150,000-Shs300,000=

“Many people have been forced to shift to cheaper areas neighboring the town like Rwemirokora and Kizinda because they cannot afford the house rent that has been hiked due to competition,” said one resident.

The university has solved the problem of idleness especially in Ishaka and Bushenyi towns, as over 1500 people directly employed in the university in different sections while others are indirectly benefiting from the institution.

“If you are to check with the police records, The crime rate must have reduced in Ishaka and Bushenyi towns because those who used to be jobless and idle have what to do now, ”according to Amos Muhwezi Kahara a lecturer at the university.

In agriculture, Bassajjabalaba has caused a paradigm shift in the tea industry by establishing Global Tea factory in Kyamuhunga town council. “The tea industry is no longer business as usual,” Bassajjabalaba vowed in one of the interviews. 

Even after the split of Bushenyi, Bassajjabalaba has continued to be a development influencer.  In the newly created districts like Buhweju, Basajjabalaba is an icon through his Global Tea factory which he has extended there (in Buhweju) hence changing the trend of tea industry in the area.

4 thoughts on “How would Bushenyi be had it not been Hassan Bassajjabalaba?

  1. Al Hajji Dr. Hassan Bassajjabalaba’s Kampala International University and Teaching Hospital are catapulting former Ishaka and Bushenyi Townships ( Bushenyi Ishaka Municipality today) into a wonderful City..The value of land has gone up, the demand for housing and accomodations, goods and services has increased by more than 1,000%, creating Market for all sectors of the local economy, therefore benefitting everybody from the previously lawless unemployed youth (bayaye), the peasant farmers, traders, processionals, entrepreneurs and industrialists a like. They have also made it easier for the population to access quality education and healthcare services from close quarters, created numerous employment opportunities directly and indirectly.

  2. He is the man, I personally salute his contributions in our nation and the East African region

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