St. Daniel Comboni Hospital is a   Private Not for Profit (PNFP) institution affiliated to Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB), owned by the Board of Trustees of Mbarara Archdiocese.

 It is located in Comboni cell Kyamuhunga ward, Kyamuhunga Town council, Igara West Constituency, Bushenyi District South West of Uganda. It is 75km a long   Mbarara- Kasese road and 15km from Bushenyi district Local Government headquarters.

It was started in 1993 as a dispensary by Fr. Paolino Tomaino a Comboni missionary who was concerned about the health needs of the local people in the area. It was then upgraded to a health centre III   in 1994 and then to the level of a hundred bed capacity hospital in 1996. In 1999 it was upgraded to become the Health Sub-district headquarters where it supervises all the fourteen lower health facilities in Igara West constituency. The hospital has good relations with the district and is involved in several district activities including annual planning and budgeting.

The hospital was mainly founded to continue the healing mission of Jesus Christ which was to promote life to its fullness (John 10:10). It mainly offers curative, promotive, preventive and palliative services which include ANC, MCH, HIV services, surgeries, young child clinic, deliveries, immunization, community sensitization, medical imaging, dental, hypertensive and diabetic services.

The hospital is the main referral facility for the lower facilities within the HSD. It serves an estimated population of 600,000 people in Bushenyi and other neighboring districts of Rubirizi, Mitooma, Kitagwenda and Buhweju.

Future plans

  • Beginning a training institution to empower and benefit the community and improving  income for the hospital
  • Beginning specialized services.

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